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高性能混凝土水化热试验研究 |
摘要 高性能混凝土各组分性能的叠加效应十分明显。通过配制C65混凝土的试验,分析了所用各项材料对水化热的影响因素与机理,结果如下:低水胶比明显降低混凝土的总水化热。水泥用量不再是影响混凝土温升的单一因素,为降低温升,应尽量减小水泥用量,以矿物掺料取代。单纯掺加硅粉,可使混凝土的总水化热有所降低。粉煤灰掺量越大,混凝土早期的水化热和温升就越小,掺量超过25%?穴以水泥用量计?雪时,效果趋于明显。掺高效减水剂不影响混凝土的总水化热,但可明显改变混凝土的早期放热速度,与硅粉共同作用,能抑制混凝土总水化热?熏掺量>1%时效果十分明显。 |
关键词: 高性能混凝土
There is remarkable integral effects of every element mixed in high performance concrete. Analysis of C65 concrete made for experimental purpose indicates that low water-binder ratio may considerably decrease total hydration heat of concrete. The mix ratio of cement is no long the sole factor affecting concrete temperature. Making portion of cement replaced with mineral additives can also lower the temperature of the concrete. Merely mixing with silica fume may lower the total hydration heat. The more the fly ash mixed the smaller temperature growth of the concrete. When the quantity of mixed fly ash reaches 25% the effect gets apparent. Mixing with high performance water reducer does not influence total hydration heat of concrete but can shorten exothermic process. If mixed with silica fume at the same time the total hydration heat could be restricted. When more than 1% silica fume is mixed the effect may get more obvious.
Key words: high performance concrete heat of hydration silica fume fly ash |
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