建筑工人  2011, Vol. 42 Issue (04): 340-343    DOI:
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Construction technique of high and large formwork ofwide-span prestressed concrete beam slab
CHEN Tong-jin
Beijing No.3 Construction Co., Ltd., 100044, Beijing, China
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摘要 某工程内设游泳馆,游泳馆顶板、梁高大模架的搭设采用碗口式与扣件式组合形式的满堂式脚手架,属高大模架支撑体系,分别对主梁、次梁进行模板设计,运用套支格构形式,设计顶板模板,保证和控制高大模架搭设过程中的检查验收要点和安全防护要点以及模架拆除要点,经过施工监测,支撑系统在施工过程中整体变形最大值为9 mm,满足要求。
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关键词大跨度   预应力混凝土   高大模架   套支格构   过程检查   模板拆除     
Abstract: Swimming pool is designed in an engineering. Multi-rank scaffold with combination of cuplok scaffold and fastener scaffold is adopted to erect the ceiling and high and large beam formwork of the swimming pool. Considering that this is a high and large formwork support system, formworks of main beam and junior beam are designed respectively. Supporting lattice is adopted and ceiling formwork is designed to ensure and control the key points in inspection, acceptance, safety protection and formwork frame dismantlement during erection of high and large formwork support. It is monitored in construction that the maximum integral deformation of the supporting system is 9 mm and it satisfies the requirements.
Key wordswide span   prestressed concrete   high and large formwork support   supporting lattice   process inspection   formwork dismantlement   
收稿日期: 2011-10-20;
通讯作者: 陈彤瑾   
作者简介: 陈彤瑾
陈彤瑾. 大跨度预应力混凝土梁板高大模架施工技术[J]. 建筑工人, 2011, 42(04): 340-343.
CHEN Tong-Jin. Construction technique of high and large formwork ofwide-span prestressed concrete beam slab[J]. Architecture Technology, 2011, 42(04): 340-343.
http://www.jzjs.com/CN/     或     http://www.jzjs.com/CN/Y2011/V42/I04/340
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