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Discussion and analysis on setting-up of standards of control price of tender in new code of valuation with bill quantity
WANG Xiu-qin
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Nanyang Normal University, 473061, Nanyang, He'nan, China
摘要 在工程量清单招标控制价开始实施之际,关于招标控制价的设立标准还存在一些误区,将对实行工程量清单招标的建设项目产生重大的影响。在分析招标控制价产生背景的基础上,提出招标控制价设立的正确标准,并分析影响招标控制价设立标准的因素,提出完善对策和具体措施。
关键词 : 招标控制价
Abstract :
This paper briefly expounds when the control price of tender puts into practice, as to the setting-up of the standards of it, there are still some mistakes which will have a significant impact on engineering project which executes quantities tender. To solve the problem, it is necessary to put forward the correct standards of control price of tender that is based on analyzing the background of it. After expounding the factors that have a significant influence on setting-up of the standards of control price of tender, perfect strategy and specific measures will be found.
Key words : tender control price standards factors
收稿日期: 2011-10-20;
通讯作者: 王秀琴
作者简介 : 王秀琴
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WANG Xiu-Qin. Discussion and analysis on setting-up of standards of control price of tender in new code of valuation with bill quantity[J]. Architecture Technology, 2011, 42(06): 537-539.
http://www.jzjs.com/CN/ 或 http://www.jzjs.com/CN/Y2011/V42/I06/537
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