The conclusion of the important order of the factor among the Section steel Model of the reinforcing L-bar, the strength of the concrete,the depth of the embedded steel L-bar was obtained. The first important order is the Section steel Model of the reinforcing L-bar, next is the depth of the embeded steel L-bar, and the third is the strength of the concrete. The influence of the three factors to the strength of the embeded steel L-bar and destroy form of the embeded steel L-bar after the function of pull out stress in different condition of experiment was also discussed. And was compared with the traditional method of the embeded steel bar in the concrete. The embeded steel L-bar technology have broader application was obtained.
MU Jian-chun,WANG Zhi-gang,XI Hui-feng et al. STUDY ABOUT ORTHOGONAL EXPERIMENT OF EMBEDDED STEEL L-BAR IN CONCRETE[J]. Architecture Technology, 2013, 44(12): 1080-1083.