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张苏俊1,2, 徐少云2, 房忠洁2
Wind Load Assembly Type Close Packed Column from Light Wood Frame Structure Finite Element Analysis
ZHANG Su-jun1,2, XU Shao-yun2, FANG Zhong-jie2
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, 210037, Nanjing, China; 2.School of Architecture and Engineering, Yangzhou Polytechnic Institute, 225000, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China
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摘要 利用ANSYS软件对风荷载作用下密排小柱距轻型木框架结构进行有限元模拟,考虑两种风荷载加载方式,通过分析无横墙和有横墙两种情况下结构的位移和内力,发现横墙的存在能明显减小结构各方向位移,提高结构整体刚度,同时还降低了构件中的应力,使结构整体状态更好;当有垂直横墙的水平力作用时,对木框架顺风方向的位移几乎无影响,但对构件中应力有影响。
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关键词轻型木框架结构   风荷载   有限元分析     
Abstract: Uses ANASYS, finite element software, to simulate closed packed column from the light wood frame under wind loads. Considering two types of wind loads acting on the structure, the displacements and internal forces of the structure without transverse walls and that of the transverse walls are analyzed. It can be found that the transverse walls significantly reduce the displacement in all directions and improve the rigidity of the light wood framework. Meanwhile, the transverse walls reduce stress of the construction members. Therefore, the integrality of the structure is better. Under the horizontal force, which is perpendicular to the transverse wall, the displacements of the tail wind direction of the wood frame structure are negligible, but it has effect on the stress of the construction members.
Key wordslight wood frame structure   wind load   finite element analysis   
. 风荷载下装配式密排小柱距轻型木框架结构有限元分析[J]. 建筑技术, 2016, 47(12): 1115-.
. Wind Load Assembly Type Close Packed Column from Light Wood Frame Structure Finite Element Analysis[J]. Architecture Technology, 2016, 47(12): 1115-.
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