Damage Detection and Evaluation for Metallic Plates based on
Frequency-wavenumber Analysis
GU Jian-zu, GU Lin-xia, LUO Ying, XU Chen-guang
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Chinese Machinery Industry Key Laboratory for Mechanical Structure
Damage Detection Technology, Jiangsu University, 212013, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China)
This paper adopts the frequency wave-number field analysis method to study the local wave number damage imaging algorithm. The research establishes the non-contact high resolution of spatial pickup platform in ultrasonic guided wave field based on the SLDV, and compares the experimental result with the result of numerical simulation to verify the effectiveness of the imaging algorithm.The theory and method in this study can be used to guide the engineering practice.
GU Jian-zu,GU Lin-xia,LUO Ying et al. Damage Detection and Evaluation for Metallic Plates based on
Frequency-wavenumber Analysis[J]. Architecture Technology, 2017, 48(12): 1283-.