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Quality Control of Arc Welding in Construction Site
Yunnan Construction & Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., 650501, Kunming, China
摘要 分析了部分焊接工程质量验收标准的局限性和影响电弧焊焊接质量的因素,针对目前焊接质量管理存在的“重检验结果轻过程管理”的现象,提出加强焊接过程控制,保证焊接质量的具体措施。
关键词 : 焊接施工
Abstract :
The limitations of the quality acceptance criteria in some of welding engineering code and the influence factors on the quality of arc welding is analysised. Be aimed at the existed phenomenon of which more attention is payed to the inspection results than the quality control of the process during the welding, specific measures which strengthened the controls of welding process to ensure the welding quality is put forward.
Key words : welding construction quality control process management
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