建筑工人  2011, Vol. 42 Issue (03): 242-245    DOI:
试验研究 最新目录 | 下期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索
王利群,赵 文,王 勇,李艺
Reliability research of vertical bearing capacity of single manual hole diggingpile in Shenyang
WANG Li-qun, ZHAO Wen, WANG Yong, LI Yi
1.College of Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, 110004, Shenyang, China; 2. Shenyang Design and Research Institute, Sino-coal Engineering Group, 110015, Shenyang, China
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摘要 为采用概率极限状态法设计挖孔桩,引用无量纲随机变量的极限状态方程,结合沈阳城区人工挖孔桩的试桩资料,对其竖向承载力进行可靠度分析;然后采用JC法计算可靠指标,得到沈阳地区建筑地基基础规范中挖孔桩的目标可靠指标和抗力分项系数,并对影响可靠指标的各种因素进行分析。研究结果表明,荷载效应比和荷载组合形式对可靠指标有一定影响,抗力概型分布对可靠指标的影响较大,抗力分项系数受荷载组合型式和荷载效应比的影响较小。
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关键词人工挖孔桩   竖向承载力   可靠指标   抗力分项系数     
Abstract: In order to adopt the probability limit states method to design manual hole digging pile, on the basis of the static test data of the pile in Shenyang, the reliability analysis of the vertical bearing capacity of single pile is made by using the limit state equation of dimensionless random variables and the reliability index is calculated by the JC method. What is more, the target index of reliability and the resistance partial coefficient in the local Specification of Foundations is got and the influence factors on the reliability index are also analyzed. At last, It is shown that the influence of loading effect ratio and different load compositions on the reliability index is to a certain extent, the influence of distribution types of resistance on the reliability index is remarkable, whereas the influence of different load compositions and loading effect ratio on the resistance partial coefficient is weak.
Key wordsmanual hole digging pile   vertical bearing capacity   reliability index   resistance partial coefficient   
收稿日期: 2011-10-20;
通讯作者: 王利群,赵 文,王 勇,李艺   
作者简介: 王利群,赵 文,王 勇,李艺
王利群,赵,文等. 沈阳城区挖孔桩单桩竖向承载力可靠度研究[J]. 建筑工人, 2011, 42(03): 242-245.
WANG Li-Qun,DIAO,WEN et al. Reliability research of vertical bearing capacity of single manual hole diggingpile in Shenyang[J]. Architecture Technology, 2011, 42(03): 242-245.
http://www.jzjs.com/CN/     或     http://www.jzjs.com/CN/Y2011/V42/I03/242
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