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李晓虹, 苏 华
西华大学,610039, 成都
Study and improvement on indoor thermal environment for top floor rooms at end of residential building in Chengdu
LI Xiao-hong, SU Hua
Xihua University,610039,Chengdu,China
摘要 应用DeST-h软件对成都地区某居住建筑室内基础室温进行模拟计算,研究建筑物不同楼层房间的室内热环境状况,发现顶层、端头房间的室内热环境最为恶劣。结合装修,对外围护结构提出相应的改造措施,计算结果表明改造后顶层端头房间室内热环境得到明显改善。
关键词 : DeST-h
Abstract :
Using the software DeST-h, simulating calculation and research was carried out on the base room temperature of a residential building in Chengdu, with a focus on the indoor thermal environment for the different floor rooms. It’s found that the indoor thermal environment of the top floor rooms at the building end is the worst. Combined with house decoration, improving structural measures for building envelope are put forward, and the simulation results indicate the indoor thermal environment for top floor rooms is improved obviously.
Key words : DeST-h thermal environment building envelope simulating calculation
收稿日期: 2011-10-20;
通讯作者: 李晓虹, 苏 华
作者简介 : 李晓虹, 苏 华
李晓虹,苏,华. 成都地区既有居住建筑顶层端头房间室内热环境研究与改善[J]. 建筑工人, 2011, 42(03): 250-252.
LI Xiao-Gong,Su,HUA. Study and improvement on indoor thermal environment for top floor rooms at end of residential building in Chengdu[J]. Architecture Technology, 2011, 42(03): 250-252.
http://www.jzjs.com/CN/ 或 http://www.jzjs.com/CN/Y2011/V42/I03/250
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