建筑工人  2011, Vol. 42 Issue (06): 534-536    DOI:
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姜 伟,胡长明,梅 源
1.?????? 西北工业大学基建处, 710072,西安;2.西安建筑科技大学土木学院, 710055,西安
Construction technique for pipeline suspend in a deep excavation ofsubway stations
JIANG Wei,HU Chang-ming,MEI Yuan
1.?????????????? Civil Construction Department of Northwestern Polytechnical University, 710072 , Xi'an, China;2.Civil Engineering College of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, 710055, Xi’an, China
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摘要 某地铁车站工程管线悬吊施工中,根据工程特点制定了采用自制钢梁与军用梁悬吊管线两种技术方案。根据方案建立有限元模型进行数值计算,结果表明自制钢梁不能满足施工安全要求,施工中选择了军用梁悬吊管线。监测结果表明,采用军用梁悬吊污水管线科学合理,技术得当。
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关键词地铁车站   深基坑   管线悬吊   军用梁     
Abstract: Based on the construction for pipeline suspended in a subway station, set down two scenario to suspend pipeline by use steel girder or military trusses; according to the result of numerical simulation for the two scenario, used steel girder can not satisfy the need of security, it should choose the military trusses to suspend pipeline in the construction process; introduced the construction techniques and monitoring of pipeline suspended in the construction process, the result of monitoring indicated that use the military trusses to suspend pipeline is scientific and fit.
Key wordssubway station   deep excavation   pipeline suspended   military trusses   
收稿日期: 2011-10-20;
通讯作者: 姜 伟,胡长明,梅 源   
作者简介: 姜 伟,胡长明,梅 源
姜,伟,胡长明等. 某地铁车站深基坑工程管线悬吊施工技术[J]. 建筑工人, 2011, 42(06): 534-536.
JIANG,WEI,HU Chang-Meng et al. Construction technique for pipeline suspend in a deep excavation ofsubway stations[J]. Architecture Technology, 2011, 42(06): 534-536.
http://www.jzjs.com/CN/     或     http://www.jzjs.com/CN/Y2011/V42/I06/534
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