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孙金坤1,2, 刘静1,2,马海萍1,2,汪杰1,2,陈科材1
SUN Jin-kun1,2, LIU Jing1,2, MA Hai-ping1,2, WANG Jie1,2, CHEN Ke-cai1
1.School of Civil and Architecture Engineering, Panzhihua University, 617000, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China; 2.Sichuan Province Key Lab of Higher Education Institution for Comprehensive Development and Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste in Civil Engineering, 617000, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China
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摘要 利用高钛重矿渣替代粘土作为墙体材料进行试验研究。针对高钛重矿渣砌块性能掌握不足,品质标准、性能方面尚处在低端水平等问题,立足高品质标准,通过正交试验和改良,进行高钛重矿渣空心砌块的最优配合比设计,分析6种常用的孔型的空心砌块,得到最优孔型尺寸的空心砌块,并通过最终配比设计,制备高品质高钛重矿渣空心砌块,并通过试验实测该种砌块的力学性能与热工性能参数。
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关键词高钛重矿渣   空心砌块   最优配比   力学性能   热工性能     
Abstract: An experimental study is carried out using the high titanium heavy slag instead of clay as the wall material. Focusing on issues such as lack of understanding of high titanium heavy slag property, and low level of quality standards and performance, and by carrying out orthogonal experiments and improvements of high-quality standards, the optimum proportion design of High Titanium Heavy Slag Hollow Block is conducted. The design included producing normal hollow blocks with 6 kinds of hole patterns, so that the High Titanium Heavy Slag Hollow Block with the optimal hole pattern dimension could be produced, the high quality High Titanium Heavy Slag Hollow Block could be prepared, and the mechanical properties and thermal performance parameters of this optimal block could be measured through the test.
Key wordshigh titanium heavy slag   hollow block   optimal proportion   mechanical properties   thermal performance   
作者简介: 孙金坤(1975—),男,云南江川人,副教授,e-mail:paxf66290838@163.com.
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. Experiment?on?Production?and?Performance?of?High?Quality?High?Titanium?Heavy?Slag?Hollow?Block[J]. Architecture Technology, 2016, 47(9): 836-.
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