Renovation of Gate 5 Mall of Guangzhou-Baiyun International Airport
ZHANG Wei1, QI Ping2, CHEN Lei3
1.School of Architecture, South China University of Technology, State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, 510640, Guangzhou, China; 2.College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Gangzhou University, 510006, Guangzhou, China; 3.Guangzhou Lihe Properties Development Co., Ltd., 511440, Guangzhou, China
The Gate 5 Mall of Guangzhou-Baiyun International Airport is the first historic terminal building of the airport sites renovate to the commercial building in China. The reasonable design will be of pretty significance for sustainable of historic industrial buildings and sites. The study is about the exploration of Guangzhou terminal building of the airport site renovation research, from urban planning, morphology, function and transportation cling to the opportunity of renovation, adjusting strategy to local conditions are put forward. In general analyses and expounds the value update of the historic site area and the architect.