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Preparation and Application of C50 Plain Self-Compacting Concrete
WEI Wen-an, CHEN Qing-gang, HAN Wei-wei
Beijing Construction of New Building Materials Co., Ltd., 100015, Beijing, China)
摘要 清水混凝土直接采用现浇混凝土的自然表面效果作为饰面,要求混凝土表面平整光滑,色泽均匀,棱角分明。针对一些装饰面、装饰柱中混凝土坍落度低,施工难度大的特点,从材料选择、配合比设计、性能检测等方面入手,解决了自密实混凝土的应用问题。
关键词 : 清水混凝土
Abstract :
Plain concrete could directly exert the natural surface finishing effect of cast-in-place concrete and it is required to realize smooth and flat concrete surface, uniform color and clean-cut edges. Considering that the concrete of some kinds of decorative surface and column has small slump degree and big construction difficulty, problems in self-compacting concrete application were successfully solved through material selection, mix proportion design and performance inspection.
Key words : plain concrete self-compacting mix proportion design performance inspection
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