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Analysis on Important Role of Formwork Scaffold in
Green Construction
ZHANG Liang-jie
China Formwork and Scaffold Association, 100088, Beijing, China
摘要 模板脚手架直接关系到施工安全、工程质量、工期、现场文明、经济效益和社会效益,在绿色施工中起重要作用。通过从8个方面阐述模板脚手架与绿色施工的关系及其重要性,可供从业人员参考。
关键词 : 模板
Abstract :
Formwork scaffold is related to construction safety, quality, schedule, civilization, economic and social benefits, and plays an important role in green construction. This paper from 8 aspects introduced the relation between formwork scaffold and green construction and the important role it played, providing references for related practitioners.
Key words : formwork scaffold support frame green construction
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