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Design of continuous steel truss girder for hengkeng waterway main bridge of hutiaomen
LI Ai-fei
China Railway First Survey And Design Institute Group Co., Ltd.
摘要 根据桥址处的地质条件、通航要求和净高限制等要求,桥型采用采用(81+81+229.5+81+81)m
关键词 : 连续钢桁梁
Abstract :
According to the geological conditions, navigation requirements and net height restrictions of the bridge site, the bridge type adopts (81+81+229.5+81+81)m continuous steel truss girder structure, USES the software to establish the finite element model for calculation and analysis, and focuses on the calculation of the strength, stiffness, stability and fatigue of the bridge, the results show that the bridge meets the design requirements.
Key words : continuous steel girder strength stiffness stability
作者简介 : 李爱飞(1985—),男,河南洛阳人,工程师,e-mail:275195240@qq.com.
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